Friday, April 22, 2011

We should set them Free.

In recent years I have developed a distaste for zoos in general. Animals in cages. Animals in small areas. Animals in tanks. You see where I am going with this? Bueno. When my new host family asked me if I wanted to visit the local zoo, I thought it only polite to accept their invitation. Despite my feelings of resistance and apprehension, this morning we sat off on "Destination Zoo". Upon our arrival, I knew my conscience was in trouble. The animals were kept in small areas that were muddy, dirty and nothing like their actual habitats in the wild. The only green in the entire place was the potted plants that lined the walkways. It only seems natural that monkeys should have room to swing, birds air to fly and jaguars space to run, yet no one seemed to be slightly bothered by the fact that all of this was lacking. I wanted to take a moment to talk to my family about animal rights, but I didn't want to seem unappreciative of the trip there.

So, this is defiantly a problem.

Monkeys in small cage

No water but last night's rainwater for these reptiles to swim in.

Puma sitting on top of her closed-in area. Her floor was muddy, concrete tiles.

This animal was in one of the smallest cages. It was missing fur and had open wombs.

No where to run. No where to hide. No where to go.

A chained up fox that walked back and forth and back and forth and back and.....

Is this where the King of the jungle should be?

And what about her? Does she belong here as well?

Sitting instead of swinging.

I am beginning to become speechless...

Another small cage for an animal that requires a place to stretch his arms...

You are kidding me...right?

I highly doubt that ragged plastic around monkeys is a good idea for ANYONE.

Look at the infrastructure of this cage. Does anything about it say "safe" to you?

I realize that I am not here to preach on animal rights, but even if I wanted to where would I begin?? If there are not even any [enforced] regulations to protect animals, how will things ever change?? I wish that I could say that leading by example will be enough...and maybe in some cases, it will be. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. All I could possibly say E is DITTO! Speechless ....
